Anna’s Dollhouse (LP)
ANNAS DOLLHOUSE is a new compositionalmasterpiece by Danish jazz star BenjaminKoppel. Featuring former Blue Note recording artistCaecilie Norby and jazz legends Kenny Werner and PeterErskine, ANNAS DOLLHOUSE tells the story aboutAnna, the aunt of renowned saxophoneplayer and composerBenjamin Koppel.Through nine songs her life through almost a century isdepicted in beautiful lyrics and breathtaking music. Astring […]
Mulberry Street Symphony (CD)
Mulberry Street Symphony (composed 2016-2017) is a work by Anders Koppel in sevenmovements, each one based on one of the famous photos by Jacob Riis depictingthe life among immigrants in New York in the 1880s. The symphony wasperformed twice with great success in October 2017 with Aalborg SymphonyOrchestra, subsequently with Odense Symphony Orchestra – both […]
Alberte Winding & Benjamin Koppel
Skuespiller og musiker Alberte Winding har siden 2001 samarbejdet med komponisten og saxofonisten Benjamin Koppel. Dette er deres første album hvor Albertes smukke stemme danner et perfekt sammenspil med Benjamins lækre saxofonspil. Albummet rummer blandt andet det højt elskede nummer Lyse Nætter. Actress and musician Alberte Winding has since 2001 collaborated with composer and […]